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Setting up an IDE for Development
In this document I will provide a brief overview on what is needed to compile contineo by yourself. This document focuses on Windows, but the basic idea is the same for Linux.
Java Setup
Since contineo is a Java web application, you also need Java installed to run and compile contineo. Download the latest stable Java Development Kid (JDK) from Sun and install it using the provided installation routines. Also set the environment variable JAVA_HOME in your system settings. This variable should point to where you installed the JDK, so something like c:\programme\java\jdk1.5.0_11. And don't download the J2EE version, this is not needed for our purpose.
General Folder Structure
There are various things we have to download and install. For example we have the source code, the compiled code running in a Java web server (like Tomcat), Eclipse, and the database directory. Therefore I suggest to create a folder c:\contineo to store everything there. In the following section all explanations are based on the assumption that you use this folder as a base.
Installing Tomcat
Contineo is executed in a web server providing Java support (a so called servlet container). There are many products available, however I suggest to use Apache Tomcat, because it is very easy to install. While writing this document the current stable version is 5.5.X. So you should also download the latest stable ZIP distribution. Unpack this ZIP file to c:\contineo\tomcat. In tomcat\conf\tomcat-users.xml add the following line to also have admin access to Tomcat:
	  <user username="admin" password="admin" roles="manager"/>
Of course choose a better password! Now you can start Tomcat using the tomcat/bin/startup.bat script. With a browser go to the URL http://localhost:8080/. You should now see the Tomcat start page. Try the "Status" and "Manager" page (you need the admin login added above). Also check if the example apps are running.
Installing Eclipse
There are many Java IDEs available. So if you already have your preferred one stick to it! If you don't have one, I suggest to try Eclipse. Make sure you have at least version 3.1, because older versions do not fully support Java 1.5. Download the SDK. You don't need the other packages. Extract the package to c:\contineo\eclipse. On Eclipse's first startup you have to select a workspace path. In this path general project settings are stored. It is not the folder where the source is stored. So basically you are free to choose whatever you want. If Eclipse is working, you can shutdown it for the moment. We will come back to it later.
Getting the Source Code
Now we are getting to the interesting things. We want to get contineo's source code. You can either download a source package from SourceForge or you can checkout the latest source code from SVN.
In case you want to get the latest source from SVN, it is getting a little bit more complicated. First of all you need a SVN client. I suggest Tortoise, which is shipped together with the necessary command line tools. Please see Tortoise's homepage for installation instructions. There is a detailed documentation available on Sourceforge to set up the SVN client. Please follow the instructions there.
If you set up the SVN stuff correctly, you should be able to download contineo's source code directly from the source repository. The checkout might take some time.
Now you have the source code, maybe in the folder c:\contineo\contineo\contineo. Take some minutes to get familiar with the folder structure before going on.
Compiling the Source Code using Maven and Eclipse
Contineo uses the configuration management system Maven. Before you can easily build contineo, you have to install Maven (version 2 or later). Please see Maven's homepage for installation instructions.
Before you can compile the source code, you have to first install some libaries in your local maven repository. The necessary libs are available in contineo's SVN repository and a batch file is provided to make the installation as easy as possible. Go to the directory "contineo/trunk/contineo/etc" and start the batch file. In case you are using Microsoft Windows use the file with the ending ".bat", in case you are using Linux use the file with the ending ".sh".
Now look for the folder containing the "pom.xml" file. You should be able to find the file in the following directory: "contineo/trunk/contineo". Open a command line (shell) and issue the following command:
mvn compile
Maven will first download all libraries needed to compile contineo. Afterwards it will compile contineo. Depending on your Internet connection, this may take some minutes. It is not necessary to download the libraries each time you want to compile the code. Instead, use the "-o". This tells Maven to not download the libraries and work offline instead.
Now it is time to create a package, which can be deployed on your server. This is also very easy to do. Just issue the following Maven command:
mvn -o package
First, it will check that all files are compiled. Afterwards, it will execute a set of automated test cases. Those test cases ensure that your code changes do not break any existing functionality. Please make sure that you also write test cases for any new functionality! If all test cases passed successfully a package will be created. This package can be found in the "target/" directory. The war file is ready to be deployed on your server. You can follow contineo's general installation instructions to do so.
Executing the test cases each time can be time consuming. You can also skip the test run by adding the "-Dmaven.test.skip=true" switch to your Maven command. So far we already compiled the source code and also created a package. Still, not everybody might be in favour to edit the source files using a text editor. Therefore it is possible to generate the necessary project files for Eclipse with the following Maven command:
mvn -o eclipse:eclipse
You can open the project very easily in Eclipse. First, start Eclipse and select "Import" from the "File" menu. In the wizard, select "Existing Projects into Workspace" from the "General" import category. Set the folder containing the "pom.xml" file as the root folder and press "Finish". It will now import the project into Eclipse and build it. This may take some time also depending what kind of plugins you have installed in Eclipse (like XML validation). You can now change the code in Eclipse and it will immediately compile your changes. Before you submit any changes to SVN, make sure to run the Maven test cases. This can be not done directly from Eclipse as far as I know.
In the following section I will explain how to run contineo without having to deploy it each time manually.
Run Contineo
It would be quite complicated to manually deploy contineo each time in Tomcat after some code changes were done. It would be perfect if a code change would just require restarting the server. It is possible to do this. You just have to create a context in Tomcat pointing at the directory containing the classes built by Eclipse. In order to do so, navigate to Tomcat's installation directory and go into the sub-directory "conf/Catalina/localhost". Create a new file called "contineo.xml" with the following content:
Of course you have to adjust the "docBase" value according to your local installation. Now you can restart Tomcat and you should be able to load contineo using the following URL: http://localhost:8080/contineo/. On the first execution you have to go through the setup procedure as for every ordinary contineo installation. See the section below for some more pointers. Each time you change the code, you just have to restart Tomcat. Even if you are just compiling inside of Eclipse, it will update the correct files in the target directory so that you do not have to execute Maven again.
Installing Contineo
You have to install contineo by browsing to http://localhost:8080/contineo/setup/. You can follow the install instructions. I suggest to use the following settings:
  • c:/contineo/data/log/THE_DIFFERENT_LOGFILES.log
  • c:/contineo/data/docs/
  • c:/contineo/data/index/
  • c:/contineo/data/users/
  • c:/contineo/data/backup/ (you do not have to enable backup, but at least set a path)
  • use the internal database management system (HSQLDB) c:/contineo/data/db/ -> try later other DBMS and fix bugs you encounter
  • create an admin account
Check after each setup step, if the necessary files and directories are created.
Debugging Contineo
It is possible to debug contineo running on Tomcat. From a debugging perspective it looks like if you debug an ordinary application from within Eclipse. To be able to do so, you need to activate remote debugging in Tomcat and set up Eclipse to connect to Tomcat for debugging.
First configure Eclipse, because that is the more easier part. Select "Debug..." from Eclipse's "Run" menu. In the list on the left side click on "Remote Java Application" and select "New" from the right-click menu. Just leave all settings as they are.
Tomcat supports remote debugging, but it is not enabled by default. You have to start Tomcat with the "jpda start" command line option. On Linux, I changed the last line of the "" file as follows:
exec "$PRGDIR"/"$EXECUTABLE" jpda start "$@"
On Windows I changed "startup.bat" file replacing one of the last lines with the following one:
call "%EXECUTABLE%" jpda start %CMD_LINE_ARGS%
I also had to change the "catalina.bat" on Windows. I added the following 2 lines after the header of the file:
set JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket
Now, the only thing left to do is to start Tomcat and connect the Eclipse debugger to the running Tomcat instance. After Tomcat was started, select again the "Debug..." dialog and execute the debug entry you created before. Eclipse now connects to Tomcat and Eclipse's debugger will be called as usual, if you reach a break point. This is a very convenient way of working and it speeds up development heavily.
Few more Hints
Now you should have a running contineo. If you change the code, make sure it gets recompiled by Eclipse. Do not forget to restart Tomcat. If you are debugging contineo using remote debugging, it might also be possible to run changed code without having to restart Tomcat. However, this doesn't seem to work in all cases, so test it by yourself!
I suggest to create desktop shortcuts to the following things:
  • URL Link to contineo's main page (http://localhost:8080/contineo/)
  • Eclipse
  • Tomcat startup and shutdown scripts
  • Source code directory
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That are the basic steps needed to compile and run contineo. Now start playing around with the source code. We hope to see your contributions soon! Logo © Sebastian Stein 2005-2007 Support This Project